Author Guideline

Authorship Requirements

Authorship Requirements

All contributing authors in a study must demonstrate significant intellectual contributions, which includes involvement in the study’s conception, design, data collection, analysis, or interpretation. Authors are also required to participate in drafting or critically revising the manuscript and must provide final approval before publication. Each author should have enough involvement to take public responsibility for their respective contributions and be ready to address any concerns about the accuracy or integrity of the work. Simply securing funding, collecting data, or overseeing research does not justify authorship. Contributors who do not meet the authorship criteria should be appropriately acknowledged. The involvement of scientific writers and their funding sources must also be acknowledged. Meteor Publishing Journals requires written consent from all authors for any changes in manuscript authorship after submission.


Competing Interests Disclosure

All submitted manuscripts must include a section detailing any potential conflicts of interest. If there are no conflicts, the statement “The authors declare no competing interests” should be included. Editors may request additional information regarding conflicts of interest. Editors and reviewers must also disclose any conflicts of interest, and those with conflicts may be excluded from the peer review process.


Confidentiality Assurance

Editors and reviewers are required to maintain the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts. Meteor Publishing Journals will not share manuscripts with third parties outside of its scope unless there is suspicion of misconduct.


Data Registration and Reporting

Meteor Publishing Journals supports initiatives that enhance data registration and reporting, such as registering clinical trials in ICMJE-recognized registries. The trial registration number and date should be included in the abstract. Authors are encouraged to register systematic reviews in appropriate registries and adhere to specific checklists for various study types. Ethical considerations regarding unpublished genomic data and clinical datasets are crucial, including obtaining informed consent from participants. Submitting a manuscript implies a commitment to freely share reproducible materials for non-commercial use while ensuring participant confidentiality. Nucleotide sequences, protein sequences, and coordinates should be deposited in appropriate databases, and software described in manuscripts should be available to reviewers, ensuring anonymity.


Plagiarism and Copyright

Manuscripts submitted to Meteor Publishing Journals must be original and not submitted elsewhere. Plagiarism is strictly monitored, and any form of publication misconduct is taken seriously. Authors must comply with ICMJE guidelines on overlapping publications, and excessive self-citation is discouraged. Authors are responsible for ensuring the legal correctness of their work, and Meteor Publishing Journals ensures compliance with copyright laws and editorial standards. Manuscripts that infringe copyright or contain defamatory content will be rejected.


Misconduct Policies

Meteor Publishing Journals takes all allegations of potential misconduct seriously and investigates thoroughly. Suspected cases may require sharing manuscripts with relevant third parties, such as the authors’ institutions and ethics committees. Research involving humans and animals must adhere to ethical standards, and digital images will be scrutinized for any potential manipulation. Suspected misconduct is reported to the authors’ institutions.

Corrections and Retractions

Published articles may be corrected or retracted through an Erratum or Retraction, with the original content left unchanged except for the addition of a prominent link. In rare instances, infringing or defamatory material may be removed from the Meteor Publishing Journals website and archives.

Article Categories

Our journals feature several article categories, including:

  • Original Articles: Present primary research data.
  • Reviews: Provide authoritative overviews of topics within the journal’s scope, often written by experts in the field.
  • Case Reports: Describe clinical cases, offering educational insights or highlighting diagnostic or therapeutic challenges.
  • Commentaries: Offer concise opinions on contemporary issues or recent research findings.
  • Methodology Articles: Introduce new experimental methods, tests, or procedures.
  • Letters to the Editor: Engage in discourse, including re-analyses, responses to re-analyses, or discussions relevant to the journal’s readership.

For more detailed information on each article type, please contact the Editor at email.


Manuscript Submission

Submission guidelines include:

  • Online submissions only to ensure prompt processing.
  • One author responsible for the submission and peer review process.
  • A cover letter explaining the manuscript’s significance and disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.
  • Contact information for two potential peer reviewers.

Accepted file formats include DOC for the title page, main manuscript, and cover letter, while figures may be submitted in JPG, JPEG, PNG, PPT, or DOCX formats.


Acknowledgments, Funding Sources, and Disclosures

Authors are required to acknowledge substantial contributions, declare funding sources, and disclose any conflicts of interest in the cover letter. Permissions for acknowledgments should be obtained, and all grant funding sources should be fully disclosed.


Tables and Figures

Tables and figures must be consecutively numbered with titles and legends provided. You can submit larger datasets or wide tables as supplementary files. Figures should be submitted separately with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.



References must be listed in numerical order and formatted following the guidelines of the National Library of Medicine style. Only published or in-press articles, datasets, or preprints may be cited, and permissions must be obtained for personal communications and unpublished data.


Style and Language

Manuscripts must be written in English, adhering to either U.S. or British English standards. Authors are responsible for the quality of the language, with only minimal copyediting performed in-house. Manuscripts should be double-spaced, with justified margins and correct reference formatting.


Word Count and Abstract Guidelines

Word count limits apply to different article types, with structured abstracts required for Original and Methodology Articles. Reviews, Commentaries, Case Reports, and Letters to the Editor should include unstructured summaries. Keywords and accession numbers must also be provided.


Initial Review Process

The editor-in-chief and associate editor conduct initial evaluations to determine whether a manuscript should undergo formal peer review or be rejected based on quality and scientific rigor. Revisions should be clearly marked and accompanied by responses to reviewers’ comments.


Waiver and Discount Policy

Special discounts or partial waivers may be available to authors facing financial challenges, especially those from developing countries or with limited funding.

For further inquiries or submissions, please visit our website or contact us via email.


Editorial Board Structure

The Editorial Board of Meteor Publishing Journals consists of an Editor-in-Chief and a team of Editorial Board members. The Editor-in-Chief leads as the chairperson, holding the authority to make final decisions on all editorial matters. The board is formed by recruiting global experts with distinguished academic achievements and expertise in relevant fields. There is no set limit on the number of members on the Editorial Board. Candidates for the board must meet the following qualifications:

  • Possess a Ph.D. in the relevant field.
  • Have a strong track record of publications.
  • Hold an academic position at a university, research institute, or a similar organization.


Responsibilities of Editorial Board Members:

  • Adhere to the directives issued by the Editor-in-Chief.
  • After the completion of plagiarism checks, editors are assigned articles. If an article aligns with an editor’s expertise, they are expected to accept the assignment promptly. If unable to accept, editors must notify the Editorial Office without delay.
  • Editors must avoid conflicts of interest with assigned articles. In case of a conflict, they should decline the assignment and inform the Editorial Office with a valid reason.
  • All authors must be treated with respect and fairness by the editors, regardless of the outcome of their submission.
  • Editors are required to maintain honesty and transparency, ensuring impartial judgment of each submission.
  • The Editor-in-Chief holds the authority to make final publication decisions.
  • Editors may provide submission guidelines and oversee the submission process as needed.
  • Confidentiality regarding author, reviewer, and article information must be strictly maintained.
  • Editors are responsible for ensuring a timely and transparent peer review process.
  • Editors must provide final decisions on assigned articles, along with clear explanations, within the allotted time.
  • Editors are accountable for any questions related to editorial decisions and must respond promptly and clearly.
  • Communication with the Editorial Office regarding any publication-related matters must be maintained by the editors.
  • Editorial Board members, alongside the publisher, are responsible for the timely publication of accepted articles.
  • Editors are responsible for selecting suitable reviewers based on their expertise and overseeing the review process.
  • Reviewers must be informed about their confidentiality obligations and must not use any part of the work they review.
  • Editors should clearly communicate journal expectations to reviewers regarding the scope, quality, and timeliness of reviews.
  • When special issue proposals are submitted, Editorial Board members should review them for relevance and suitability.
  • Guest Editors may manage special issues independently while maintaining communication with the Editorial Board member and the Editorial Office.
  • Editorial Board members may suggest timely topics and recommend potential Guest Editors.
  • Editors may occasionally attend Editorial Board meetings to discuss improvements to the journal.
  • Editors are responsible for coordinating critical decisions with the Editorial Office, such as retractions.
  • Editors are expected to offer input on timely topics and potential author pools.
  • Smooth coordination with the publishing house must be ensured by the editors.
  • Creative contributions from editors regarding reader preferences within the subject scope are valuable.
  • Editors must adhere to the guidelines and protocols established by the publishing house.

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